
Anton Goudsmit: Two Guitar Solo Pieces
A rare opportunity to learn some of the solo compositions of Anton. 60 videos including 50 loop videos to play along. Practice step by step this beautiful and energizing music.

Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (3) – Body Awareness and Releasing Tension
"I believe that our instrument is our entire body and us singers need to learn to FEEL it." The third module of Lotte´s course is all about relaxing your jaw, neck and shoulders and to make you aware of the impact of your posture.

Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (4) – Articulation
In this module of Lotte´s vocal course, you're going to relax the jaw, while activating the articulators; lips, teeth, tongue, jaw and soft palate. Good articulation helps with clarity, projection, and conveyance. And it makes your timing, your rhythm, sharper.

Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (5) – Intonation
"In my ten years of teaching singing I’ve learned that everyone can learn to sing in tune. I’ve worked with singers who, when they started out, had a lot of difficulty repeating one note and they were not able to sing a two-note melody with correct intonation. But with specific practice, targeted to the cause of the problem, everyone can learn to sing in tune."

Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (6) – Flexibility and Agility
Vocal flexibility or agility means the ability to sing very fast melodies or runs legato. Flexibility is needed in all styles of singing, from R&B to indian music, from jazz to classical and pop singing. Our voice has muscle memory. So it literally remembers where the ‘gears’ are. All it takes is practice.

Jasper le Clercq: Tools to Improvise on a String Instrument
In this course, Jasper will introduce you to his favourite tools for improvising. His focus will be on specific insights into alternative approaches to vibrato, unconventional bow techniques for rhythmical playing and narrative improvisation.

Raluca Sabau: Up-level Your Classical Piano Playing
Raluca will explore music on multiple levels, from micro to macro. Beginning with detailed elements, she gradually widens your focus to encompass the larger musical picture. You'll learn about the various characteristics of notes, time and musical perception, structure, the subtle details that enrich a piece and more.

Robert Lanting: Cinematic Music Production – 13h
In this course of 55(!) videos you will learn how to compose, produce, mix, and master high-quality cinematic music. Robert will analyse cinematic themes, share how to create a template in your DAW for an optimal workflow, and how to orchestrate the basic building blocks. Take a look over his shoulder and create your own movies tracks right away.

Jascha Bordon: Pop Cello
Explore the fundamental techniques of playing pop, R&B, disco, jazz, and rock cello. In pop music, cellists must adopt a fresh approach to sound production and phrasing, different from classical music. To provide a glimpse into how we can deviate from classical traditions, Jascha has curated a series of play-along exercises in various styles.

Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (2) – Crossing the Voice Bridge
Lotte´s course is about exploring the expressive potential of the voice. In this second module you'll learn how to be able to switch smoothly between registers, without the voice breaking. The term ‘break’ implies an abrupt change from chest voice to head voice. This can be a singer's worst nightmare when it accidentally happens.

Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (1) – Breath Support
Lotte is a jazz singer, composer and teacher. Her course is about exploring the expressive potential of the voice. In this first module you'll learn how to gently and safely warm up your voice, and support it with your breath.

Cengiz Arslanpay: Makam and it´s composition forms
In this course Cengiz gives an insight into the concept of the Turkish and Persian Makam. You will hear him playing this music on the ney - a reed flute which has a history of about 3000 years. For both western musicians and those of Turkish and Persian background, this course is an inspiring introduction to this musical culture.

Priya Purushothaman: Indian Vocal Course
Learn the basics of the Indian vocal music with this video course of the inspiring artist. You will get lots of information and exercises to practice.

David Williams-Mitchell: A modal approach to guitar playing
In this course, David will draw on a wealth of understanding of Iranian and Uyghur music to teach you how to consider each note and phrase more carefully - to make your melodic playing more interesting and personal.

Raymond Honing: The Big 5 of Flute Playing
Get insights of one of the experienced performers of western flute music - both historical and modern. Raymond is a professor in Amsterdam and other places, a conductor and composer as well.

Fie Schouten: Bass Clarinet Extended (1). Calliope Tsoupaki – Calling (2015)
In this part of her course “Bass Clarinet Extended” the Dutch master of this instrument introduces you to the composition “Calling (2015)” by the Dutch/Greek composer Calliope Tsoupaki. Both musicians live in Amsterdam and inspired each other in their mastership.

Fie Schouten: Bass clarinet Extended (2). Tobias Klein – Tõmba Tõmba (2014)
In the second part of her course Fie introduces the bass clarinet miniature "Tõmba Tõmba" by composer and bass clarinetist Tobias Klein. He is an active member of the Dutch contemporary and improvising music scene.

Fie Schouten: Bass clarinet Extended (3). Paul Termos – Buste (1980)
In this third part of Fie´s course you'll get insights to the music of the Dutch composer and saxophonist Paul Termos. He was an inspiring improviser who has been involved in the Amsterdam BIM-scene.

Fie Schouten: Bass clarinet Extended (4). Rozalie Hirs – article 7 (2012)
In this fourth part of Fie´s course you will be introduced to the music of Rozalie Hirs. She is a Dutch composer and a poet. The principal concerns of her work are the adventure of listening, reading, and the imagination.

Fie Schouten: Bass Clarinet Extended. Bundle of 4 compositions
In her course “Bass Clarinet Extended” the Dutch master explains extended techniques used in the compositions by Calliope Tsoupaki - Calling (2015), Tobias Klein - Tõmba Tõmba (2014), Paul Termos - Buste (1980) and Rozalie Hirs - Article 7 (2012).

Soroush Niroumandfard: Drums Course
In his masterclass, Soroush will teach you tips and tricks for becoming a more musical and technical drummer, focusing on the most important aspects of the craft. In general, you'll learn about several key elements: Posture, Motion, and Sound, Timing, Dynamics, Vocabulary, Creativity, and the Sense of Musicality