Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (3) – Body Awareness and Releasing Tension
What you will learn in this module
I believe that our instrument is our entire body and us singers need to learn to feel it.
Lesson 1: Getting rid of jaw tension (free)
You’ll learn:
- why jaw tension is a problem for us singers that negatively impacts your singing.
- if your jaw is tense right now and how you can check yourself for jaw tension.
- what the main causes of jaw tension are in daily life and during singing.
- and you’ll learn all about the 6 ways to get rid of jaw tension
Lesson 2: Jaw relaxation
You’ll practice:
- releasing tension in the jaw in a guided manner
- the skill to move the jaw independently from the tongue, by doing guided vocal exercises
Lesson 3: Posture
You’ll learn:
- why posture is important for singers
- what correct posture looks like
- and how can you practice it
- how to do a check of your own posture
- how you can improve your posture
Lesson 4: Neck tension (Guided warmup)
You’ll do:
- some very effective exercises coming from Feldenkreis-method.
- stretching and massaging the SCM muscle
- vocalizing exercises and singing exercises for healthy neck posture.
Lesson 4: Shoulder tension (Guided warmup)
You’ll do:
- a short body warmup focusing on the shoulders
- a full voice warmup with exercises that are great for those singers who find it hard not to lift their shoulders when they inhale for singing
- tension release exercises for shoulders
- an exercise that helps to sing high notes more easily