Pianolab Amsterdam – Concerts with the piano as its focal point

at het Goethe Institute on the Herengracht

From 2006 to 2012, many Dutch and international musicians performed in the charming room of the Goethe Institute in the center of Amsterdam.

Gallery of Tones was given the space to organize this series around the piano, so that the audience could enjoy the sounds from a beautiful Steinway Grand. The full program and recordings can be found under ‘events’. Also watch HD video recordings on the youtube channel Gallery of Tones – Pianolab Amsterdam

5.Nov 06
Stevko Busch, Dante Oei, Samuel Vriezen · piano
Rozalie Hirs · woord, tape
Ned McGowen · fluiten
Joost Buis · trombone
Tobias Klein · bas clarinet
Arnold Dooyeweerd · bas

4. Feb 07
Burton Greene · Solo piano
Stevko Busch · piano
Tobias Klein · bas clarinet
Marcos Baggiani · drums

4. Maart 07
Mike Del Ferro · solo piano
Dante Oei · solo piano

1.Apr 07
Dimitar Bodurov · solo piano
Dante Oei · Bartok
Stevko Busch, Tobias Klein

6. Mei 07
Michael Arnowitt, Dante Oei, Samuel Vriezen & Stevko Busch · piano
Ned McGowan · flute
Joost Buis · trombone

3.Jun 07
Dante Oei, Stevko Busch, Angelo Conto · piano
Paul van Kemenade · alt saxofoon

16.Sep 07
Walter Lampe & Eric van der Weijden

7.Okt 07
KAIDA Trio: Karina Erhard · fluit; Fie Schouten · basclarinet; Brook Cuden · piano
Stevko Busch · piano, Tobias Klein · basclarinet, Marcos Baggiani · drums, Arnold Dooyeweerd · bas
Brook Cuden · solo piano

21.Okt 07
Frank Abbinanti (VS) · solo piano
Lothar Ohlmeier · clarinetten & Stevko Busch · piano
Julie Sassoon (GB) soloset · jazz

4.Nov 07
Dante Oei · piano
Gunda Gottschalk · viool & Stevko Busch · piano

18.Nov 07
Carte Blanche
Walter Lampe · piano, Felicity Provan · trompet, Arjen Gorter · bass, Michael Vatcher · drums

2.Dez 07
Misha Mengelberg · solo piano
Pianogesprek Misha Mengelberg, Stevko Busch, Dante Oei
Dante Oei · solo piano

16.Dez 07
Samuel Vriezen, Arnold Marinissen, F. Dixhorn, Dante Boon
13.Jan 08
Paul Hubweber · trb, Anne LaBerge · flute, electronics, Naomi Sato · sax, cho, Stevko Busch · piano

20.Jan 08
Michael Gees
Schumann en Improvisaties op Schumann

3.Feb 08
Dante Boon · piano & Manuel Visser · altviool
o.a. Brahms

17.Feb 08
Hélène Gelèns · lezing & Eckard Koltermann · bcl & Stevko Busch · piano

Real-Time composities
Mayas / Nutters / Olsen / Galvez Quartet
Carlos Galvez Taroncher · basklarinet, Magda Mayas · piano, Koen Nutters · contrabas, Morten J Olsen · percussie

2.Mär 08
Frank Zabel · piano solo
“Entrückte Gesänge”

10.Mär 08 20 00u
Chris Gall Trio feat. Enik

16.Mär 08
Johan Lippens · bariton & Brook Cuden · piano
Schubert: Die Schöne Müllerin

25.Mär 08
Pär Lammers Trio

6.Apr 08
Mike DelFerro solo

20.Apr 08
Eckard Koltermann · bcl, Paul van Kemenade · sax, Wolter Wierbos · trb, Stevko Busch · piano, Markus Conrads · bas, Achim Krämer · drums

4.Mai 08
Heleen Vegter · klassiek
Pyke Pasman · Blues

18.Mai 08
Marcel Worms
spaans programma

1.Jun 08
Dante Boon · solopiano
Stevko Busch · piano & Michael Vatcher · drums

2.Nov 08
Dante Boon, Samuel Vriezen · piano duo (Missy Mazzoli: Trouble and Desire)
Albert van Veenendaal · piano, Mark Alban Lotz · flute, Lysander le Coultre · cello, Alan Purves · drms/perc (impro)
Walter Lampe · piano solo (jazz/impro)
Keiko Shichijo · piano solo (John Cage: In A Landscape; C.P.E. Bach: Rondo)
Stevko Busch · piano, Mete Erker · sax, Achim Krämer · drms (impros and russian melodies )
Oscar Jan Hoogland · piano, Natalio Sued · sax, Raoul van der Weide · bas (instant composing)
Walter Lampe · piano, Felicity Provan · trp, Joost Buis · trb, Achim Krämer · dr and others

16.Nov 08
“Winterreise” met Fabio Trümpy · tenor, Dante Boon · piano

Jürg Frey · Sam Lazaro Bros. (1984)
Franz Schubert · Winterreise op.89, D.911 (1827)

7.Dez 08
Walter Lampe · piano, Michael Vatcher · drums, Arjen Gorter · bas (jazz/impro)

21.Dez 08
“Wandelweiser” met o.a. Antoine Beuger, fluit; Antje Lohse, mezzosopraan; Dante Boon, piano.
werken van Antoine Beuger, Jürg Frey en andere componisten van en rondom de internationale componistengroep ‘Wandelweiser’
18.Jan 09
Achim Kaufmann · solo piano (impro)

1.Feb 09
Monika Akihary · voice, Niels Brouwer · guitar, Stevko Busch · piano (world-jazz)

15.Feb 09
Zang kwartet ‘Quatre Bouches’ met Dante Boon · piano
Brahms, Schumann, nieuw gecomponeerd repertoire

1.Mär 09
Veenendaal/Kneer/Sun (triojazz)

15.Mär 09
Composities en (Jazz)Improvisaties
Duo Koleva · van Otterloo, met Dante Boon en Stevko Busch
Tatiana Koleva · marimba/percussie, Rutger van Otterloo · saxofoons, Dante Boon en Stevko Busch · piano

5.Apr 09
WoordMuziek: Rozalie Hirs & Stevko Busch
o.m. Gekromde ruimte (2009); tekst en muziek door Rozalie Hirs
Rozalie Hirs · stem, sounds; Stevko Busch · piano; Ned McGowan · fluit; Tobias Klein · contrabasklarinet, electronica, Joost Buis · trombone, lapsteel gitaar, Arnold Dooyeweerd contrabas, en Robert van Heumen · computer en controllers

19.Apr 09
Compositions and Improvisations
Braam & Mulder & Wiegers & Kaptijn
Michiel Braam · solo piano improvisatie; Trio 7090: Nora Mulder · piano, cymbalom; Bas Wiegers · viool; Koen Kaptijn · trombone
Trio7090 + Braam

3.Mai 09
Improvisatie Cologne/Amsterdam
Zoubek & Hübsch & Fuhler & Vatcher
Phillip Zoubek · prepared piano, Carl-Ludwig Hübsch · tuba, Cor Fuhler · Keyolin, Michael Vatcher · drums

17.Mai 09
Nina Targan Mouravi & Helena Basilova
In de serie ‘WoordMuziek’ van Pianolab. Amsterdam zal Mouravi door haar vertaalde Russische poëzie van o.a Fjodor Tjoettsjev en Osip Mandelstam voordragen, gecombineerd met pianomuziek van tijdgenoten.

7.Jun 09
Dubbelconcert: Improvisatie en Klassiek
Bart van Dongen ‘The Kitchen Sessions’
Daniël Kramer ‘In de Buitenlucht’

21.Jun 09
Real-time composities Berlin/Amsterdam
Mayas / Nutters / Olsen / Galvez Kwartet
Carlos Galvez Taroncher · basklarinet, Magda Mayas · piano, Koen Nutters · contrabas, Morten J. Olsen · percussie

06 September 2009 · 15 00
Amsterdam/Berlin Jazz & Improvisatie
Michiel Scheen · piano & Tobias Delius · sax

18 sep ’09 · 20 00; Zephyros Ensemble
Young Masters (composities)
Zephyros Ensemble
Frances Elliott (United States) · flute; Anna voor de Wind (Holland) · clarinet; Marleen Wester (Holland) · violin; Antonis Pratsikanis (Greece) · cello; Adam Jeffrey (Australia) · percussion; Simona Strungaru (Romania) · piano

4 oct ’09 · 15 00; Vysniauskas, Estoppey, Hasselberg, Luther
Young Masters (european jazz)
Dominikas Vysniauskas (LIT) · trp, Gilles Estoppey (CH) · piano, Joao Hasselberg (P) · bass, Henning Luther (D) · drums

16 Oktober 2009 · 20 00
Compositie / Improvisatie
Robert van Heumen · computer en controller, Tobias Klein · contrabas clarinet, Stevko Busch · piano
Samuel Vriezen · WF/WF · solo compositie

01 November 2009 · 15 00
Burton Greene-piano & Perry Robinson-klarinet Duo: “Two Voices In the Desert”
Julie Sassoon · solo piano

22 November 2009 · 15 00
Kinderconcert en WoordMuziek · Schumann en Oscar Wilde
SCHUMANN VERTELT… een vertelconcert voor iedereen vanaf 8 jaar.
Troupe A Dour
Cisca Boermans · verteller; Irina Parfenova · piano; Pieter Scholten · regie; Jeannette de Baat · decor

6 December 2009 · 15 00
Studenten van de Ligeti Academy
(i.s.m. de masteropleiding van het Sweelinck Conservatorium o.l.v. Asko|Schönberg Ensemble)

18 December 2009 · 20 00
De Stilte van de Langste nacht
Keiko Shichijo · solopiano
Morton Feldman: Triadic Memories (1981)

Solo Recital Dante Boon
FRI 16 APR 2010 15.00
Works by John Cage, Jürg Frey, Robert Schumann and Taylan Susam

India meets classic Marion von Tilzer
SUN 7 MAY 2010 15.00
Rani Heymann, Liat Alkan-Heymann, Caroline Leeuw-Wagner, Tinka Regter, Wouter Huizinga, Sanne van der Horst, Lenneke van Staalen, Shabbir Hussain, Marion von Tilzer

Italy, Berlin, Amsterdam
SUN 21 MAY 2010 15.00
Angelo Conto · piano, Alessandra Patrucco · voice, John Dikeman · tenor sax; Stevko Busch · piano, Wilbert de Joode · bass, Christian Lillinger · drums

John Cage – Song Books (1970)
SUN 20 JUN 2010 15.00
Cora Schmeiser – Voice, Dante Boon – Piano

Kaja Draksler; Laja Genc
FRI 18 JUN 2010
Female Power. Kaja Draksler – piano, Laja Genc – piano

Ohlmeier, Perkin, Fischerlehner, Busch
SUN 20 JUN 2010 15.00
Improvisers from Berlin. Lothar Ohlmeier, Miles Perkin, Rudi Fischerlehner, with Stevko Busch

Crack the Chamber Stawarz, Jessen, Hubweber, Busch
VR 11 FEB 2011 20.00
Radek Stawarz (PL) – 5-string violin, Dana Jessen (USA) – bassoon, Paul Hubweber (DE) – trombone, Stevko Busch – piano

Alexander von Schlippenbach & Frank Paul Schubert
FRI 15 APR 2011 20.00
Founding father of European improvised music. Vera Vingerhoeds – presentation/interview

Double concert Keiko Shichijo, Michael Wollny
FRI 24 JUN 2011 20.00
Compositions from 1950 till now and Improvisations

Uri Caine Solo
FRI 30 SEP 2011 20.00
On Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mahler. With Henning Bolte – presentation/interview

Alfred Zimmerlin (CH) Composer, Improvisor, Journalist
FRI 14 OCT 2011 20.00, Pianolab Goethe Institut, Amsterdam (NL)
work of A. Zimmerlin and improvisations, Dante Boon – solo piano, Radek Stawarz – (5-string) violin, Alfred Zimmerlin – cello, Stevko Busch – piano, Henning Bolte – presentation/interview

Veenendaal, Purves, Dudek, vd Broeck, Haurand
SUN 4 APR 2011 15.00, Pianolab Goethe Institut, Amsterdam (NL)
Albert van Veenendaal · prepared piano, Alan Purves · percussion, Gerd Dudek · sax, Rob van den Broeck · piano, Ali Haurand · bass

Shichijo en Boon play Morton Feldman
SUN 22 JAN 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
In 2010 Keiko Shichijo en Dante Boon performed their first duo during Pianolab @ Bimhuis, Amsterdam, including works for two pianos by Morton Feldman. So here’s the sequel.

Sylvie Courvoisier – solo
SUN 29 JAN 2012, Pianolab Goethe Instituut Amsterdam (NL)
Courvoisier, one of the core artists of the New York Downtown circle around John Zorn, is one of the most distinctive and interesting younger pianists . She resolutely goes beyond the established styles and genres and operates along the boundaries of refined, compositional specifications, improvisational design and the balancing and refining process within an ensemble.

Walter Lampe – Solo
SUN 19 FEB 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
Walter Cornelius Lampe (Australia) comes out of the jazz tradition, developing his emotive style of surfing between all music genres – combining sonic atonal improvisation with simple intimacy.

Lisa Cay Miller – Solo
SUN 18 MAR 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
Lisa Cay Miller is a pianist and composer from Vancouver, British Columbia. These miniatures were inspired by the short stories of Doris Lessing.

Köppen & Jörgensmann – reunited ‘Professor Unrat’.
SUN 25 MAR 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
Theo Jörgensmann and Bernd Köppen formed an astonishing duo from 1984 to 1999 and were an integral part of the international jazz scene.During this period they were successful in concerts, festivals and radio recordings, both as a duo and as co-leaders of international ensembles. They were founders of the ‘European Way’, a successful combination of European chamber music and contemporary jazz.

Philipp Rüttgers Impro on Bela Bartok
SUN 22 APR 2012, Pianolab Goethe Instituut Amsterdam (NL)
He uses Bartok’s compositions from the ‘Mikrokosmos’ as a starting point for his improvisations.

Keiko Shichijo plays Tom Johnson
SUN 6 MAY 2012, Pianolab Goethe Instituut Amsterdam (NL)
Keiko plays the music of Tom Johnson with unprecedented depth.

Lisa Cay Miller Q
SUN 20 MAY 2012, Pianolab Goethe Instituut Amsterdam (NL)
Lisa Cay Miller plays with her quartet this time with Jesse Zubot – violin, Steve Smith – bass, Dylan van der Schyff – drums

Keiko Shichijo plays Mozart on Fortepiano
SUN 24 JUN 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
She has developed her skills on the fortepiano – her first instrument – to the highest level of mastery. The current concert she plays on her own instrument, which was brought from Japan to Amsterdam in 2011, where she lives and works.

Kris Davis – Solo and Pedro Costa (Cleen Feed Rec.)
SUN 27 OCT 2012, Pianolab Goethe Instituut Amsterdam (NL)
Kris Davis has quickly become an indispensable contributor to the New York jazz scene. Pedro Costa is the heart behind Cleen Feed Rec in Lisboa, where a.o. albums with Kris have been released.

Burton Greene – Solo
SUN 11 NOV 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
Burton Greene played several concerts at the Pianolab. He is one of the first musicians to incorporate klezmer influences into free improvised music and jazz.

Dante Boon Solo – own work
SUN 28 OCT 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)
Co-curator of the Pianolab with a programme of his own

Goldammer Laubrock, Arthurs, Stawarz, Busch
SUN 25 NOV 2012, Pianolab Goethe Institute Amsterdam (NL)

Ingrid Laubrock · tenorsax, Tom Arthurs · trumpet, Radek Stawarz · violin, Stevko Busch · piano


Cor Fuhler

Prepared piano, electronica

He collects and plays many electronic and acoustic keyboard instruments, sometimes self-made, such as the Keyolin (a combination of violin and keyboard). In 1995 he formed the trio Fuhler-Bennink-De Joode, based on the techniques of instant composing and instant arranging.

Pianolab Festival 2010

Four sets in the spirit of the series at the Goethe Institute.

Misha Mengelberg - solo · Dante Boon & Keiko Shichijo - duo · Gunda Gottschalk · Stevko Busch · Cor Fuhler · Peter Jacquemyn · Tatsuya Nakatani · Achim Kaufmann · Frank Gratkowski · Wilbert de Joode

Wilbert de Joode

Double bass

Wilbert de Joode (1955) is a true researcher of bass pizzicato and string techniques. He has been playing double bass since 1982 and joined groups that improvised in a jazz setting. He developed into one of the most active bass players on the European improvised music circuit.

Pianolab Amsterdam at Goethe Institute

Concert Series with the piano as its focal point

Premieres, tryouts, first encounters, surprising combinations, composed and improvised music - often in one concert. From 2006 to 2012 this was our contribution to the Amsterdam music scene. Curated by Stevko Busch and Dante Boon, with advise of Henning Bolte

Christian Thomé


Christian is one of the few drummers who have found their own musical language. His original drumming, rich in timbre, allows him to perform the rare balancing act that distinguishes him in very different musical styles. His projects range from modern jazz to world music, from experimental electronics and pop music to classical music.

Daan Vandewalle


Daan Vandewalle enjoys an international reputation as a specialist for New Music, with a focus on American piano music of the 20th and 21st centuries. He plays the complete piano works of Charles Ives, Messiaen, the Ligeti piano concerto, the Lutoslawski piano concerto, and works by Clarence Barlowe, John Cage, Sorabji, among others.

Peter Jacquemyn

Bass, Performance

His concerts and performances are spectacular. With unbridled energy he wrestles with his double bass. A fight in which all means are permitted: Bows (1,2 or 3), dented beverage cans, plastic bags, crumpled paper, mufflers, brass, re-tensioned strings, ... This places Peter among Belgium's most interesting improvisation musicians with a justifiable international reputation.