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Raluca Sabau: Up-level Your Classical Piano Playing

What you’re gonna get

In this course we’ll cover multiple layers of music, going from the micro to the macro, starting very detailed and slowly zooming out, looking at the bigger picture. Here’s what you’re gonna learn:

First, we’re gonna start looking at notes and all their different characteristics.

Second, we’re gonna look at how time influences our perception of music and how to make the right choices for yourself.

Third, we’ll talk about structure and how that can simplify the way you work.

Fourth, we’ll discuss the details that make a piece sound rich. This is what I like to call the salt and pepper of the music.

Last but not least, we will look at what makes any pianist unique, how you can develop your own taste and build your palette as a musician.

Make sure you make use of the resources available with every lesson. They’re meant to support you along the way.