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Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (2) – Crossing the Voice Bridge

What you’ll learn in this Module

It is one of the main goals of vocal technique to be able to switch smoothly between registers. The term ‘break’ implies an abrupt change from chest voice to head voice. This can be a singer’s worst nightmare when it accidentally happens. Our goal of this Module is to be able to sing smoothly throughout your registers, without the voice breaking.

Lesson 1 (free): The voice bridge explained.

You’ll learn:

  • in what part of your voice you can find your voice break
  • what the voice bridge, break or passaggio is.
  • what happens physically when your voice cracks
  • how to avoid your voice from breaking

Lesson 2: Practice part 1

You’ll practice:

  • training your control over the cricothyroid muscle. This muscle is best used slowly. We need to get control over gradually making the vocal cords thinner.
  • doing sliding exercises, in order to research the area of your voice break, to get to know it better
  • doing singing exercises with a very wide range, so whatever your voice type, your breaking point will always be in there somewhere

Lesson 3: Practice part 2 – for all voices

You’ll practice:

  • training your control over the cricothyroid muscle further.
  • doing sliding exercises, in order to research the area of your voice break further.
  • exercises to research your different registers so that you’ll be able to control the thickness of your vocal cords.

Lesson 4: Practice for higher voices

In addition to lesson number 3 you can choose between the following two lessons according to your register. You’ll practice:

  • developing the skill to sing in your ‘mixed’ register

Lesson 5: Practice for lower voices

You’ll practice:

  • developing the skill to sing in your ‘mixed’ register