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Lotte Janssen: Singer Skills (5) – Intonation

In my ten years of teaching singing I’ve learned that everyone can learn to sing in tune. I’ve worked with singers who, when they started out, had a lot of difficulty repeating one note and they were not able to sing a two-note melody with correct intonation. But with specific practice, targeted to the cause of the problem, everyone can learn to sing in tune.

Lesson 1: Intonation (Vocal Technique Explained).

You’ll learn:

  • what the terms pitch, singing in tune and intonation mean why a singer sings out of tune
  • what the research on the subject tells us
  • what the 5 common causes for singing out of tune are

Lesson 2: Intonation (Practice).

You’ll practice:

Exercises targeted to the 5 common causes of singing out of tune

Lesson 3: Intonation (Practice).

You’ll learn:

More exercises targeted to the 5 common causes of singing out of tune